- 論文の詳細を見る
The concept of lifelong education broadens our conceptions of education, which in turn requires to refocus on the integration of various patterns of education as partnership between school education and adult education or between basic education and professional education. The way of integration depends upon whether the lifelong education is differentiated or not by the institutions. This paper attempts to articulate the structure of basic education by relating social and economic developments to varying institutionalization of education. The concept of basic education would be analyzed into two patterns: The basic education in the developed areas and the fundamental education in the underdeveloped areas. In the former as exemplified in the United States, a new wave of criticism of school education has crystalized into "Back-to-basics" movement, whereas in the latter the fundamental education has been developed as a part of integrated projects of "community development" where all the services are united. The accelerating pace of human affairs, the increasing accumulation of knowledge, and the impact of technological change have imposed a great need for more basic education in life span at the rising level in addition to the remedial education of school inadequacy. The handicap of illiteracy to the performance of adult roles is obvious even in the underdeveloped areas, because the basic skills or 3Rs are of special value in intellectual developments of the people. The fundamental education has as its purpose the eradication of illiteracy and the intellectual developments supporting the social and economic developments. Both patterns of education termed as the basic education and as the fundamental education are essential to the basic skills or functional literacy necessary for survival in everyday life. Whatever the patterns, it is clear that "basic education" for the foundations of lifelong education has come of age.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1980-09-20
- 地域の学習化と大学の役割(大学と地域社会)
- 地方自治体の高等教育施策に関する調査研究(III-2部会 高等教育)
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- 婦人の学習機会の構造(一般研究 I・1部会 女性と教育)
- 大学教育の拡張と教員の役割(シンポジウム 大学の社会的機能について : 日本の大学教育開放をめぐって)
- 高校教育機会の構造と機能(一般研究 I・4部会 教育の機会)
- 生涯教育における基礎教育
- ライフサイクル第二期女性の学習課題と社会教育
- 大学教員の地域活動に関する調査研究(一般研究 III・5部会 高等教育論)
- 2)学校の文化的機能(課題研究 I 教育内容の社会学)
- 地域教育編成の今日的課題 : 社会移動と教育(シンポジウム 地域教育編成の今日的課題 : 社会移動と教育)
- 学校教育の県別特性と診断 : 日本の教育地図の試み(3)
- 社会教育の県別特性と診断 : 日本の教育地図の試み(2)(第3部会 〔青年教育, 成人教育〕)
- (2)地域社会と国立大学(第7部会 〔地域社会と大学〕)
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