- 論文の詳細を見る
The data for teacher role expectations were obtained from answers to the questionnaire of 34 role items. The respondents were 685 samples of parents and 103 samples of elementary school teachers in a suburban community. The same questionnaire forms were used for the parents and the teachers so as to compaire their expectations to each role item. The parent's subset and the teacher's subset of teacher roles were statistically compaired, and the inter-subset conflicts and the inter-subset conflicts were investigated. The teachers show higher degree of consensus than the parents in terms of teacher roles. The teacher role expectations of parents are more politically conservative and more identical to the teacher-stereotypes than those of teachers. The inter-subset conflicts of teacher roles are greater than intra-subset conflicts. The main sources of intra-subset conflicts are concerned with freedom of teacher and teacher-stereotypes. Intra-subset conflicts are relatively often showed by the older respondents. Thus the greatest contlicts are found between older parents and younger teachers in the role items concerned with freedom of teacher and teacher-stereotypes.
- 1973-10-15
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