<調査研究 変貌過程における九州農山村及び炭鉱地の教育構造に関する総合的研究>本研究の課題と方法
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This research intends to make clear the whole educational structure including such aspects as School Education, Social Adult Education, Educational Administration, People's Expectation toward Education, and Educational Planning in terms of the basic social organization in rural areas. Each sociological phenomenon is analyzed substantially in the midst of rapidly changing process and to grasp the inter-relationship between educational structure and community organization some general principles can be discovered about them. The main themes of the five research groups are to make investigation as follows: Group I. How the education of primary and secondary schools is changed by increasing mobility of population, integration or disintegration of schools, and combination of towns and villages, when a dam is built for capitalistic needs. Group II. How the educational administration and finance are influenced and what sort of educational problems are newly created when towns and villages are combined by the administration of central government without any consideration of the will of local inhabitants. Group III. How people's expectation and interests are changed and what sort of educational problems is created when coal mines are closed or reduced against the willingness of coal miners as a result of innovation of mining technology as well as revolution of energy utilization. Group IV. How youth activities and organizations in a mountainous village are being reorganized and what is the main problem for their learning activities when youth groups almost completely disappeared because of youth's leaving villages and farming as a result of rapid expansion of productive and service industry with the decline of basic industry. Group V. What sort of influence the structural improvement of farming has exercised toward School Education, Social (adult) Eduction and educational structure, and also what sort of educational problems are newly raised when reconstructive work of farming is carried into effect from the administrative viewpoint of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1963-10-20
- 都市近接農村〔福岡県宗像町〕における教育要求のパターン
- Suburbanizationにともなう教育構造の変化 : 二大都市の間に介在する農村地域の場合(第3部会 コミュニテイ(II))
- 学校・家族・地域集団間の役割分担に関する研究 : 教育分業化の視角から(一般研究 I・2部会 地域社会と学校)
- 農村教育再編成に関する地域類型化試論
- へき地の学校-村落共同体における学校の性格-
- 農村社会化おける道徳体系(山間部農村 : 佐賀県名尾地域)
- 都市化過程における地域住民の教育意識に関する研究一都市近郊農村の場合
- 意見3 都市化の視点
- 本研究の課題と方法
- 馬場四郎著, 「教育社会学」, 清水義弘著, 「二十年後の教育と経済」, 馬場四郎著「教育社会学」, B六判, 二五四頁, 三八〇円, 誠文堂新光社, 昭三七・四発行, 清水義弘著「二〇年後の教育と経済」A五判, 二三四頁, 五〇〇円, 東洋館出版社, 昭三六・一一発行
- 14. 学童における社会階層的効果 : 一炭鉱地域社会の実態調査を通して
- 炭鉱地の家庭環境と親の教育的関心
- 地位(status)と役割(role)の人間形式的機能について