Confidence intervals for the difference of means based on two independent samples (Large Deviation and Statistical Inference)
- Estimation of a nonnegative-valued normal mean from the Bayesian viewpoint (Statistical Experiment and Its Related Topics)
- 統計的推測と大偏差確率 (大偏差原理とその応用--注目の確率論第3の原理)
- Estimation by the Method of Moments in the Errors-in-Variables Model (Statistical Prediction and Estimation)
- Comparison of Ratio Estimator, Least Squares Estimator and Grouped Jackknife Estimator for Regression Model(Statistical Inference and Sampling)
- 位置尺度母数分布族における位置母数の逐次区間推定について(多重比較の統計的決定とそれに関連する話題)
- 位置尺度母数をもつ切断分布族における位置母数の固定幅の逐次区間推定 (区間推定とその関連する問題)
- 統計的逐次決定法式の性質について
- 逐次推定におけるBhattacharyya型情報不等式について
- Bayes sequential decision rules in the multinomial sampling(Sequential Analysis and Statistical Inference)
- On the sequential sampling plans
- 母数の境界近傍における非心分布および標本相関係数の分布の近似 (記録値の統計的推測と関連する統計学)
- The comparison of estimators of a reliability function in the Weibull case
- 欠損性の概念と多項分布の母数の推定について
- A simulation study on testing the hypothesis in the two-sample problem (Statistical Inference and the Bioequivalence Problem)
- Higher order large-deviation approximations for the tail probability
- Higher order approximation for the tail probability of discrete distributions (Statistical Prediction and Estimation)
- Large-deviation approximations for the discrete distribution (Large Deviation and Statistical Inference)
- An approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of the kurtosis statistic $b_2$
- C-3 On the interval prediction of the unobserved record value
- On the interval prediction of the unobserved record value
- 記録値に対する予測区間の構成について
- Bayesian estimation of predictive densities (Statistical Inference and the Bioequivalence Problem)
- Approximations for a family of generalized hypergeometric distributions (Statistical Inference and the Bioequivalence Problem)
- 離散指数型分布族における区間予測とその応用 (Statistical Region Estimation and Its Application)
- 3.3.39 災害現象の動的シミュレーション手法の開発研究(II)(3.3 経常研究,3. 研究業務)
- Some tests for the Poisson distribution(Statistical Conditional Inference and Its Related Topics)
- 予測十分性と逐次推測 (Statistical Region Estimation and Its Application)
- On a comparison between the fuzzy and randomized confidence intervals, and fuzzy $p$-values(Statistical Decision for Multiple Comparison and Its Related Topics)
- Minimax approach to sequential Bernoulli trials (種々のモデルの統計的解析--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- F-1 Combined Bayesian-Frequentist Approach to Confidence Intervals for a Positive Parameter(Summary of the Reports at the 71th Annual Meeting)
- Combined Bayesian-Frequentist approach to confidence intervals for a positive parameter
- On the loss of power of a test based on simulation (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
- 時系列推定におけるSecond Order Asymptotic Efficiency (時系列における統計的推定論の研究)
- 推定量の一致性のOrderと漸近的有効性について (統計的漸近理論 II)
- On the minimum variance unbiased estimation (統計的推測へのベイズ的アプローチとそれに関連する話題--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- The approximation to the non-central x[2-] and t-distributions (統計的推測へのベイズ的アプローチとそれに関連する話題--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- 非正則推定における情報量の概念とその役割(日本統計学会賞受賞者特別寄稿論文)
- Asymptotic properties of estimators in errors-in-variables models(Statistical Decision for Multiple Comparison and Its Related Topics)
- Maximal orders of convergence of consistency in terms of measures of diversity(Statistical Decision for Multiple Comparison and Its Related Topics)
- On the Kiefer type information inequality applicable to a family of truncated distributions(Statistical Conditional Inference and Its Related Topics)
- Equivariant estimation in the linear regression model(Statistical Conditional Inference and Its Related Topics)
- Statistical prediction regions and limits(Statistical Conditional Inference and Its Related Topics)
- Comparison of the amounts of information in selection models(Statistical Conditional Inference and Its Related Topics)
- 統計的推定の高次漸近理論の構造
- Lower bounds for the Bayes risk of unbiased estimators in non-regular cases (Statistical Inference of Records and Related Statistics)
- Randomized chi-square goodness of fit test and maximum test (Statistical Inference of Records and Related Statistics)
- Equivariant estimators under asymmetric loss functions (Statistical Inference of Records and Related Statistics)
- Record statistics for the Weibull distribution (Statistical Inference of Records and Related Statistics)
- Some approaches to confidence intervals for a restricted parameter (Interval Estimation and Its Related Topics)
- Conditional confidence intervals for a location-scale parameter family of distributions (Interval Estimation and Its Related Topics)
- An information inequality for the Bayes risk applicable to non-regular cases (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
- Construction of the confidence interval of exact level for discrete distributions (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
- Asymptotic efficiencies of estimators in a one-parameter family of truncated distributions (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
- Comparison of the risks of set estimation procedures in testing (Approximations to the Statistical Distributions)
- 書評 J.K. Ghosh: Higher Order Asymptotics
- C-4 On testing hypothesis as an estimation problem
- On testing hypothesis as an estimation problem
- A decision-theoretic approach with some loss functions to a hypothesis testing problem (Statistical Experiments and Clinical Trials)
- On the Allocation of Two and Three Treatments in Bernoulli and Normal Trials (Statistical Experiments and Clinical Trials)
- Asymptotics of the Maximum Probability Estimators in Statistical Experiments (Statistical Experiments and Clinical Trials)
- Unbiased Estimation in Sequential Binomial Sampling Experiments (Statistical Experiments and Clinical Trials)
- On the asymptotic construction of confidence intervals (Statistical Inference and the Bioequivalence Problem)
- On lower bounds for the Bayes risk of estimators in the uniform and truncated normal cases (Statistical Inference and the Bioequivalence Problem)
- C′-4 Higher order large-deviation approximations for the tail probability(日本統計学会第68回大会記録 : 統計一般理論 (5))
- The Amount of Partial Information and Sufficiency (Statistical Region Estimation and Its Application)
- Confidence intervals for the difference of means based on two independent samples (Large Deviation and Statistical Inference)
- The concept of generalized amount of information and non-regular estimation(Information and Statistical Inference)
- Some approximations to the non-central t-distribution and applications(Large Sample Theory of Statistical Estimation)
- Two-stage sequential estimation procedures for the uniform distribution(Sequential Analysis and Statistical Inference)
- Bayes risk and information inequalities(Sequential Analysis and Statistical Inference)
- The Structure of the Model through Some Estimation Procedure
- Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator : An approach from uniform consistency(Statistical Inference and Sampling)
- Higher Order Asymptotics in Some Non-Regular Estimation
- Asymptotics for Jackknife Estimation under True and Assumed Models(Sampling Plans in Statistics)
- Second Order Asymptotic Bounds for the Concentration Probability of Estimators in a Family of Truncated Distributions(Asymptotic Methods of Statistics)
- Amount of Information in Non-Regular Estimation
- Second Order Asymptotic Optimality of Estimators for the Non-Regular Distribution(Non-Regular Statistical Estimation II)
- On the Bhattacharyya Inequality in Non-Regular Case(Non-Regular Statistical Estimation)
- Asymptotic Properties of Estimators in Non-Regular Situations
- Second Order Asymptotically Optimum Estimation in Autoregressive Models (時系列解析の推測 : 理論と応用)
- Prediction Sufficiency and Its Relation to Sequential Estimation (統計的推定論)
- Remarks on uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation (Statistical Information in Inference and Its Related Topics)
- The non-regular statistical structure from the viewpoint of the loss of information (Statistical Information in Inference and Its Related Topics)
- Remarks on uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation (推測における統計的情報とそれに関連する話題--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- The non-regular statistical structure from the viewpoint of the loss of information (推測における統計的情報とそれに関連する話題--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- The asymptotic expansion of the maximum likelihood estimator for a truncated exponential family of distributions (A New Perspective to Statistical Models and Its Related Topics)
- Fisher and Kullback-Leible informations contained in record data (区間推定とその関連する問題 短期共同研究報告集)
- 書評 J.K. Ghosh: Higher Order Asymptotics
- 歴史的事象の統計的考察と画期的な推測法の進展(交流)
- Asymptotic comparison of estimators for a family of truncated distributions (Asymptotic Expansions for Various Models and Their Related Topics)