滲炭平衡及び CO 氣流中に於ける滲炭反應に就て
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In view of a wrong representation of the cementation equilibrium by formula 3Fe+2CO=Fe_3C+CO_2, the author has discussed that the cementation velocity can never exceed the saturation point of solid solution Agr and the cementation phenomena never occur below A_1 point. for which some opposite opinions have been evoked. The adversary states that a converse experiment is possible ; for instance, the cementation may be carried out in CO-gas current even beyond Agr point and free crystale of Fe_3C can be produced. Such a contrary opinion is, however, insignificant. So far as the equilibrium such as 2CO⇄C+CO_2 exists from the theory of cementation equilibrium, it is absolutely impossible to produce Fe_3C, but under the circumstances such as pure CO which does not contain any CO_2 or as 2CO→C+CO_2 in the way of dissociation, CO might act with Fe and Fe_3C might be produced. Consequently, there being possibility of the occurence of Fe_3C in pure CO-gas current, the incidental occurrence of Fe_3C in an experiment is not contrary to the theory of equilibrium. Infact, Fe_3C can never actually be produced in CO-gas current. The reason is that Fe is the most conspicuous catalyser which augments the dissociation of CO and at the moment of contact with Fe the equilibrium of 2CO⇄C+CO_2 is attained with the instantaneous dissociation of CO ; hence the actual action of pure CO and Fe is impossible even in CO-gas current. Fe_3C might, however, occur at a temperature below 500℃, as the dissociation velocity becomes small at a comparatively low temperature. The property of Fe which considerably augments the dissociation of CO plays an interesting role in the cementation reaction. Generally the action of cementation in CO-gas current becomes weak when the current velocity becomes small. This is due to the diffusion layer made on the surface of specimen by CO_2 which is generated by the cementation reaction, i.e., for augmenting cementation some large current velocity is necessary so as to remove incessantly CO_2 generated whether or not the cementation is conspicuously made in gas current may be detected by the soot attached to the surface of specimoen ; i.e., if the soot attached, the surface is proved to be at the saturation of cementation, and if not, it indicates the cementation is not saturated.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1939-09-25
- 鑄鐵鑄物に於ける氣泡及び引け巣發生の理論及び其の實證〔中編〕
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- 11) 滲炭平衡及鐵炭素状態圖に就て(日本鐵鋼協會第拾八囘講演大會)