67 ラビットアイブルーベリー(Vaccinium ashei)の落果調節に関する研究
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Fruit setting and harvesting of more than 80% of flowers are required for better yield of bluberries. So higher fruit drop during growing stage and maturation may cause serious becrease in yield. The effect of GA and AVG(aminoethoxyvinylglycine) on fruit setting was studied on rabbiteye bluberries as well as the effect of forage applied fertilizers. Hitac294 and San-eirip on fruit growth and chlorophyll contents. GA alone or in combination with AVG applied during early fruit development, considerably improved fruit set of rabbiteye blueberries transplanted in the same spring about two months before flowering. GA treatment did not affect the size of the fruits but San-eirip application on the GA-treatment fruits slightly increased the fruit size although delayed the coloration. Hitac294 application on GA-treated berry also slightly enhanced fruit setting. Chlorophyll contents in the leaves were increased temporarily by the Hitac294 and San-eirip treatments.
- 1999-10-01
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- 67. ラビットアイブルーベリー(Vaccinium ashei)の落果調節に関する研究
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- 67 ラビットアイブルーベリー(Vaccinium ashei)の落果調節に関する研究
- 第25回国際園芸学会「25th IHC」参加報告