- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to determine accurately gases contained in molten steel, the authors devised specially a sampling vessel made of transparent quartz, by means of which the gases in open-hearth steel were analysed. The volume of the vessel is from 10 to 20 cc. A thin copper plate is fitted at its end, and the vessel is made vacuous. When the vessel is immersed in molten steel, the copper is melted and the molten steel enters into the vessel, and simultaneously a portion of gases librates. The vessel is at once transfered to mercury bath so as to cool it, and the gases are analysed after being collected by a mercury pump, and further hydrogen in the sample is measured by a vacuum extraction apparatus at 800℃. Oxygen and nitrogen fixed in the sample are analysed by the vacuum fusion method.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1939-03-25
- 不銹鋼合せ鈑の研究 (III)
- 不銹鋼合せ鈑の研究 (I) : 製造法の概要並に一般的性質
- 不銹鋼合せ鈑の研究 (II) : 合鈑の諸性質に及ぼす加熱の影響
- "クラッド・スチール"に就て-2-
- 熔融せる鐵鋼中に含有されるガスの測定方法
- 製鋼過程に於ける鋼中の水素及窒素に關する研究 : 附鐵鋼中の水素分析法
- 鐵鋼中のサンド分析方法に就て
- 1978 年の新年を迎えて
- 1977 年の新年に当つて
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- 研究開発について
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- 鋼中のガスに就て
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- 熔鋼の脱酸に關する二三の研究
- 鋼と水素との關係
- 製鋼過程に於ける鋼中の水素及窒素に關する研究(第 2 報) : 平爐精錬中の熔鋼への水素浸入機構
- 23) 製鋼過程に於ける鋼中の水素及窒素に關する研究(第 2 報) : 熔鋼中への水素浸入機構に就て(日本鐵鋼協會第拾八囘講演大會)
- 高周波電氣爐鋼の砂疵輕減に關する實驗
- 酸性平爐鋼のサンド並に白點に就て
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- 鋼中の珪酸鹽摘出法