砂鐵の電氣熔融製錬に於ける各種還元劑の効果に關する研究(A. 電氣爐に依る製錬, 附録 第六囘研究部會議事録(第二囘砂鐵部會))
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It is accepted, in general, that the reduction of the iron ore in the electric furnace by carbonous materials, is executed at the fusion state ; i, e, from the liquid and solid phases contacting with the evolution of CO gas. The thermal energy required for the reduction is supplimented with electric current which passes through the fused masses overcoming the resistances. The intensity and the amount of the heat are generally due to the total resistance of the fused mass, including the unreacted carbonous materials. The reduction of the iron in the electric smelting is principally the "DIRECT REDUCTION". Therefore, in this case, the combustibility and the strength of the reducing meterials, such as cokes, charcoal, antheracite, and etc., are not so important as in the ordinary blast furnace process. Meanwhile the reactivity and the electric resistivity of the reducing materials, become the dominating factors. The writer made several experiments for the reduction of the magnetic iron sand with various kinds of reducing materials in a special platinium resistance furnace and arrived to the following conclusions. (1). The reactivity and the degree of the absorption of carbon in the pig iron produced, show great differeces according to the reducing materials used in the reduction. (2). Charcoal has poor reactivity and requires higher temperatures for the same effects, but it has moderate electric resistances which contribute to the furnace a moderate and accurate control. The latter function seems to be the dominating factor in the electric furnace when it is adopted. (3). There is no definite relations between the reactivity and the degree of the absorption of carbon in the pig iron produced. Graphite and antheracite have comparatively large coefficient of the absorption of carbon. (4). A small addition of vanadium pent oxide inthe charge and consequently in the pig iron produced, introduces the higher content of carbon. (5). The surface condition and the specific gravity of the reducing material dominates the reactivity as well as the electric conductivity, the former on account of the surface tension between liquidus and solidus, and the latter of the porousity of the material.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1932-05-25
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