- 論文の詳細を見る
The idea of recovering the iron from the magnetic sand is, generally, realized in the dry system, say, the pig-iron-steel-process or the spongy-iron-steel-process. The magnetic sand consists of a special composition and particular form, that is the TiO_2 content is remarkably high and is distributed throughout the crystal of the magnetic sand. For the purpose of the elimination of the TiO_2, many a device has been adopted.- A method of magnetic concentration, table concentration, floatation and etc ; -they have never succeeded in the elimination of titanic acid mechanically. The Microscopic research of the cryssal structure of the magnetic sand clearly shows the state of the distribution of titanic acid in the ore, to be the mixed crystal or the solid solution of ilumenite in magnetite. From this point of view, TiO_2 must be seperated from iron content by means of the smelting and slagging off, in both cases of the dry system. Under the advisory of Dr. T. Kawamura, the auther have already achieved a process of the treatment of the magnetic sand with electric furnace. Another way of the elimination of the titanic acid is the wet system, that is the method of dissolving the ore with certain acid to convert it into the solution. From the solution, TiO_2 is seperated and the iron is recovered by the electrolytic or other method. At the ordinary temperature and pressure, the magnetic sand can not be dissolved with hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid perfectly and only a small portion of the ore is converted into the solution. Author has attactsed a method for the treatment of the magnetic sand with sulphuric acid in autocleve. The ore can readily be dissolved at certain temperature with concentric acid, and with dilute acid only the iron content is dissolved, the titanic acid remaining sensibly unattacked. From the experiments, auther has determined the reaction velocity of the dissolution in the autocleve for certain concentrations of the acid at the contant temperatures, the Phenomena of the hydrolysis of the titanic acid, and the temperatures of convertion of iron sulphate into the oxide and consequently the spongy iron.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1930-11-25
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