製鐵用骸炭に就て : 附高爐鑛滓
- 論文の詳細を見る
The greater part of the coke produced in Japan is used in blast furnaces. In 1895 Dr. Noro mede reseaches of Japanese high volatile coal suitable for obtaining coke. On the recommendation of Dr. Shimomura and Dr. Miyoshi the by-product coke oven was introduced into Japan, and Solvay's ovens were built in 1898 and 1907 first at Osaka and then at Yawata. Japanese coal is highly rich in volatile matter and ash, and very difficult of washing. For the blast furnace we use mixtures of native coal and Chinese low volatile coal. The fineness and water content of washed coal largely affect the hardness of the coke obtained. As for the combustibility, porosity and strength of coke, they must be studied in connection with the variety of coal used and in the locality where the coke is made. For coke oven lining silica brick is used. It is neccessary that the brick should be high in refractoriness, strong in resistance to abraision and corrosion, and low in expansion. For this the greater part of the silica should be in the form of tridimite. Good silica as is produced in the province of Bungo, and brick refuse would answer the purpose very well. Coke oven gas is mixed with blast furnace gas, and the mixture is utilised in steel making and for some other purposes. Narrow, high coke oven and rapid coking are now under consideration by the coke oven manager. Slag is utilised at Yawata and made into slag brick, blast furnace cement, tarred blast, and silicate cotton. As it will be necessary to ascertain quickly the composition of slag which is required for the making each product, and to apply it to the making of a suitable product' and It will be elpensive to transport voluminous watery slag so that it may be used before it changes in qlualities, so we are doing it in ore and the same yard, as in foreign countries.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1928-01-25
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- 鎔鑛爐用骸炭とその規格
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- 我國に於ける鐵鎔鑛爐鑛滓の利用
- 骸炭燒成温度と其時間とに關する研究
- 製鐵用骸炭並に耐火煉瓦に就て
- 製鐵用骸炭に就て : 附高爐鑛滓
- 6) 現時我國の製銑用骸炭(日本鐵鋼協會第三囘講演大會)
- 八幡の副産物-熱-鐵に就て
- 製鐵事業の副産物に就て
- 鎔鑛爐用骸炭に就て