- 論文の詳細を見る
Cumulative after-effects of successive vernalization treatments for 20 to 30 generations lvere observed using three wheat varieties; Danchi-komugi, Norin 61 and Lutescens 62. The results are summarized as follolws: 1. Heading date was advanced by the successive treatments by a maximum of 1.7 days in the 4th generation in the case of Danchi-komugi and 6.5 days in the 17th generation in Norin 61. Thereafter the advancement gradually decreased. In this experiment, it appears that the cumulative after-effects did not convertge to a particular level, and that they lvere not significantly larger than those in the Ist generation. In contrast to these varieties, the heading date was not significantl\* affected bv the vernalization treatment in Lutescens 62. 2. In Danchi-komugi, the culm length decreased until the 4th generation and tended to increase up to the 8th generatlon, and then decreased again. Remarkable cumulative after-effect on culm length was observed in Norin 61. Culm became shortest in the 12th generation and the length recovered by the 16th generation, and decreased gradually thereafter. Culm length of Lutescens 62 rather increased until the 4th generation and then decreased. 3. Ear length tended to increase for all the varieties, though the changes were not conspicuous after the 12th generation in Danchi-komugi, the 8th generation in Norin 61 and the 16th generationin Lutescens 62, respectively. 4. Plant height at the internode elongation stage in Danchi-komugi had shown a periodicity covering eight genelations, with reversed cumulative and non-cumulative effects every four years in both the successive treatment lines (D_1-D_<30>) and the non-treatment lines after successive treatment (D_<5-0>-D_<24-0>). This periodicity suggested that Danchi-komugi developed a dynamic homeostasis over generations for the sensibility to low temperature.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1997-09-01
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