稲品種群の馬鹿苗病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究V
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In order to clarify of tendehcy of the varietal resistance of riqe to the ' bakanae ' disease (Gibberella Fujikuroi (SAW.) WR.), the author studied the resistance of the different varieties with almost two hundreds. native in the different latitudinal r.egions in Asia. In the first time, some preliminary experi-ments Were undertaken on the reaction of rice varieties to the different strains of the fungus as well as different methods of inoculation . ' S0. far as the four strains of the causal fungus employed in the :present exptrirnents are con.cerned, the reactions of several different varieties ta these different strains were almost parallel . The varietal reactions to the different methods of inoculation were as follows. ( 1 ) When the sterilized seeds were immersed in the conidial suspension just before sowing for inspecting the resistance of the germinated seedlings to the ihvasion of the fungus, the varietal difference resulted as the different grades of abnormal elongation and blight of the seedlings. ( ~ ) When the plants at the tillering stage were injected with the conidial ' s~lspension in the basal part bf stems in order ta insp6ct the resistance of the internal tissue of plants , the different varieties showed the different grades of abnormal elongation and blight followed by mouldiness due to sporodochia formation.' ( 3 ) In the case of spraying with conidial suspen-sion on the panicles at one day after blooming in ordef to know the difference of resistance of the yo -ung lernma and palea to the invasion of the f~ngus, varietal difference resulted as the grade of discolora -tion and mouldniess of the grains. B iochemical Jour. Imp.
- 1952-03-31
- 紋枯病に對する稻品種群の抵抗性と囘避 (昭和26年度秋季關東部會)
- 稲品種群の馬鹿苗病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究V
- (6) 禾毅銹病及白澁病に對するダイセーンの應用
- 稲品種群の胡麻葉枯病及び黄萎病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究VI.
- 稻品種群の胡麻葉枯病及び黄萎病抵抗性 : 稻の病理育種學的研究 VII (昭和26年度日本農學會臨時大會)
- 稻熱病に對する稻の品種抵抗性の環境による変異 (昭和26年度夏季關東部會)
- 稲品種群の紋枯病及び菌核病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究IV