稲品種群の紋枯病及び菌核病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究IV
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The sclerotial diseases d.ue to Corticium Sasaki (SHIRAI) MA,TS. et YA,M. (sclerotiosis or orientai sheath and leaf pot) and Hel,eeintJ."ospor,ium sigmoideum CA.V. var. irregulare CRALEY et TULLIS (sclerotial diseage or irregular stem rpt) are of scrh e second. importance to blast in distribution as well as damage for the rice cul-ture in Japan and Fonnosa. During his stay in Formosa (1944-f48 at Taiwan Agr. Res. Inst., Taipeh), the author studied the resistance of the variety groups native to the different latitudinal regions and the inheritance of resistance to the above-named two diseases in order to get the fundamental knOwledge on the breeding of the resistant rice. The experiments on the varietal resist.ance to Corticium Sasakii wete conducted under glass-house as well as field conditions by means of inoculating the cultured fungus on the rice vari-eties amounting t,o almost two hundreds. The difference of resistance among the variety-groups. was more distincf. when inoculation was made with the adult plants at the booting-heading stage than when with the seedlings. In general, the variety group of the Japanese lowland type was more liable to infection, whereas many of the tropical varieties, especially the native Formosan, were rather resistant notwithstanding their less digestive ability of fertilizers in corilparison to the former. Certain native Formosans are there-fore considered to be suitable for the materials of breeding of the resistant rice.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1951-08-15
- 紋枯病に對する稻品種群の抵抗性と囘避 (昭和26年度秋季關東部會)
- 稲品種群の馬鹿苗病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究V
- (6) 禾毅銹病及白澁病に對するダイセーンの應用
- 稲品種群の胡麻葉枯病及び黄萎病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究VI.
- 稻品種群の胡麻葉枯病及び黄萎病抵抗性 : 稻の病理育種學的研究 VII (昭和26年度日本農學會臨時大會)
- 稻熱病に對する稻の品種抵抗性の環境による変異 (昭和26年度夏季關東部會)
- 稲品種群の紋枯病及び菌核病抵抗性 : 稲の病理育種学的研究IV