フェノール・亜鉛華リニメントの組成 : カルボキシメチルセルロースナトリウム添加による有用性の検討
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For J. P. Phenol and Zink Oxide Liniment. Tragacanth, a natural product, is used as a suspending agent in the content of 5%. Its viscosity is lowered with passage of time and it is then separated. To eliminate the defects, such physical properties as viscosity, yield value, extensibility, and loss rate of water content were studied; the formula and process of manufacturing of the liniment in caption aiming at how separation and lowering of viscosity with passage of time can be prevented were examined. It was found that a combination of 1-3% of Tragacanth and 2-4% of CMC-Na as suspending agent is adequate, and as process of manufacturing it is desirable that the mucilage is first prepared by powdered Tragacanth and CMC-Na is subsequently added. When preparing the mucilage by mixing both compounds in powder, the lowering of viscosity is remarkable.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1983-10-20
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- フェノール・亜鉛華リニメントの組成 : カルボキシメチルセルロースナトリウム添加による有用性の検討
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