- 論文の詳細を見る
Mixing of powders and fine granules made by fluidized bed granulation that were different in particle size distribution was examined. It is prescribed in the Pharmacopoeia of Japan that more than 75% of total fine granules pass through No. 32 500μ) sieve and remain on No. 150 (105μ) seive, and not more than 10% of total fine granules pass through No. 200 (74μ) sieve. Using lactose containing pigment as a raw material 2 sorts of fine granules, one having its peak at 42-65 meshes and the other at 65-100 meshes, were made with a fluidized bed granulator by modifying the granulating condition. Mixing experiment with the fine granules using lactose that is different in particle as a model of powder was performed. As a result, in case the mixture ratio was 1 : 1 the difference in mixing due to the difference in the particle diameter was scarcely observed. In case of the mixture with lactose of a fine particle size the granule having its peak at 65-100 meshes was the best of all in mixing, and in case of the mixture with lactose of a larger particle size the powders made by a fluidized bed granulation which indicated almost the same particle size distribution as the lactose showed the best mixing. In this way, it was found that the granules of a fine particle size were better in mixing with powder drugs on the conditions that they were without discursiveness and adhesiveness.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1978-02-20
- 院内製剤の業務量に関する調査
- 院内における消毒剤の使用指針の作成(病院薬局協議会)
- 院内における消毒剤使用指針の作成
- 院内における消毒剤の使用指針の作成
- 市販塩酸ヒドララジン散の配合変化
- 病診薬局の立場から(12局へ望むもの)
- 抗悪性腫瘍剤の院内取扱い指針作成
- 注射薬の配合変化に関する本
- 演者, 座長, 聴衆(年会での討論を活発にするには)
- フェノール・亜鉛華リニメントの組成 : カルボキシメチルセルロースナトリウム添加による有用性の検討
- 親水軟膏, フェノール亜鉛華リニメントについて : 「局方製剤内容の再検討」
- 調剤(技術)の本
- 新任病院薬剤師のための本
- 行政側のカもかり, まず制度化が先決(病院実習の制度化)
- 流動層造粒法にて製した細粒剤および造粒散剤の粉末製剤との混合性
- 処方箋記載上の注意 (最新薬物療法--処方を中心として) -- (総論)
- 臨床薬学の立場より (くすりの副作用とその対策)
- 輸液機器の進歩 (輸液の実際)