水田土壌に於ける粘土の生成に関する研究(第2報) : 酸性水田土壌の膠質粘土鉱物について
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The colloidal clays (<0.15μ) separated from acidic paddy soil by centrifuging are investigated by chemical analysis, differential thermal analysis , and X-ray diffraction methods. The clays contain very small amounts of MgO, CaO, and K_2O (<1%). C. E. C. is 74.5 m. e. /100 g. SiO_2/R_2O_3=2.28. The sharpe and large endothermic peaks occur at 145℃ and 540℃. According to the results of X-ray diffraction experiments it is considered that the clays contain no-trioct-layer mineerals of mica, chlorite or vermiculite and composed largely from several kinds of expanding and non-expanding dioct-layer 2 : 1 lattice type mixed-layer minerals with large basal reflections. Auther considers that they may be contracted by contraction of Al-gibbsite-like layer between two unit minerals of those which having basal spacings of 9.7,10.0,12.4,13.7 Å and that they would be formed as a secondary products in a course of the paddy soil forming process.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1955-12-05
- 332.加水ハロイサイトと珪酸との反応(土壌化学(鉱物および膠質複合体)
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- 208.川渡火山灰土壌中の粘土鉱物(1)(土壤化学 : 膠質および膠質複合体)