ソナレシバSporobolus virginicus(L.)Kunthの耐塩性とその塩回避機能
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Wild turf Sporobolus virginicus, a salt-tolerant plant, is commonly grown on the seashore and the sandbanks of coastal rivers in the south-west islands of Japan. The mechanism of salt tolerance of S. virginicus was investigated by comparison of mineral composition of autogenous plants and salt-treated ones grown by water culture technique, and by anatomical experiment of its leaf. The results obtained are as follows : 1) S. virginicus grew favorably on the seashore that contained a high concentration of NaCl in the soil and submerged water, but Na content in tissue was relatively low. 2) The growth of S. virginicus cultured with the nutrient solution of 0.03 and 0.1% NaCl exceeded that of the control, and the yield of S. virginicus corresponded to 70% of the control even in 1.0% NaCl condition. The rise of Na content in its tissue with increase of Na in media was minimal. Na content in the top of 1.0 and 3.0% NaCl-treated plants was lower than that in the root. This suggests that S. virginicus has a suppressive function to Na uptake and Na transport, from root to top. 3) Salt crystals were found on the leaf surface of S. virginicus grown in salt-treated solution. Analytical observation of leaves showed that S. virginicus has salt glands on the adaxial surface. 4) There results suggest that S. virginicus could maintain a salt concentration at a lower level in the tissue against the external saline condition by a suppressive function to salt uptake and the salt exclusion through salt glands of the leaves.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1989-06-05
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- ソナレシバSporobolus virginicus(L.)Kunthの耐塩性とその塩回避機能
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