関東西北部浮石土の分布並にその礦物的分類に就いて (其二)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two kinds of pumices and many sorts of decomposed pumices are found in the west-northern part of Kwanto district. One of the not decomposed pumices is an erupted material from Mt. Asama and the other is from Futatsudake in Mt. Haruna. Many kinds of decomposed pumices, probably from Mt. Asama are found in the vicinity of Mt.Haruna ; and other kinds from Mt.Asama, Mt.Haruna and Mt.Akagi are also found at the foot of Mt. Akagi. Socalled "Kanuma Soil''seems to be an erupted material from Mt.Akagi and "Imaichi Soil" is an eruption from Mt.Nantai. From the mineralogical view point, above pumice-soil seems to be roughly classified as follows;[table]
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1935-06-20
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- 関東西北部浮石土の分布並にその礦物的分類に就いて (其二)
- 関東西北部浮石土の分布並にその鉱物的分類に就いて(其一)
- 関東西北部に於ける浮石土の分布並にその造岩鉱物の研究について
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