- 論文の詳細を見る
The present investigation was carried out in order to obtain further information as to whether some respiratory enzyme system in potato tubers of which activity is inhibited by the application of diethyldithiocarbamate (Dieca) and salcylaldoxime, may play any essential participation in the dormancy of potato tubers or not and also whether any difference of respiratory system may exist between the respiration of the dormant tuber and that of the sprouting tuber or not. The results obtained may be summarized as follows. The inhibitions of O_2-uptake by the tubers due to the treatments with Dieca or salcylaldoxime were reduced if the tubers were stored previously at low temperature or the dormant tubers were treated previously with gibberellin or thiourea in order to hasten their sprouting. A similar situation was found to be true in the case of the secondary-growth tuber. Judging from the results stated above, it seems quite reasonable to assume that polyphenol oxidase may take part in the respiratory enzyme systems in the dormant tubers and this polyphenol oxidase may play an important role in the dormancy of the potato tubers. The inhibiting effects of Dieca and salcylaldoxime on the O_2-uptake of the potato tubers were reduced if when use was made of tubers at their sprouting time and of tubers infected with witches, broom virus which usually show no dormancy. Although the respiration rates of these tubers decreased also under the condition of low oxygen partial pressure of 5 %, a slight respiratory inhibition by the treatment with Antimycin A was recognized. Accordingly, it seems highly probable that some respiratory enzyme system other than polyphenol oxidase may exist in these tubers, but no adequate explanation can be given on the nature of this enzyme system at present. In conclusion, the copper-containing enzyme system, highly presumably polyphenol oxidase and another respiratory enzyme system which is sensitive to low oxygen partial pressure and is not yet identified as to its nature, may play physiologically important roles in dormancy of the potato tubers.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-09-01
- 馬鈴薯の生理, 形態学的研究 : 第14報 馬薯鈴の炭水化物代謝に対する窒素と加里の相関々係に就いて
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- 馬鈴薯塊茎のnatural growth substancesについて : 特にroot forming factorsについて(昭和40年度談話会年次講演会講演要旨)
- 18. 馬鈴薯の生育中における遊離アミノ酸について(談話会年次講演会講演要旨昭和39年度)
- 馬鈴薯塊茎の組織培養における根の分化におよぼす塊茎抽出物の効果について (第139回講演会)
- 馬鈴薯塊茎組織の Callus の生育と核酸について (第139回講演会)
- 21. 組織培養の形態形成におよぼす生長物質の影響(談話会年次講演会講演要旨昭和39年度)
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- 4. 馬鈴薯塊莖の休眠機構についての一考察(談話会月例講演会講演要旨昭和36年度)
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- 馬鈴薯塊茎の休眠と燐酸化合物の変動との関係 (第131回 講演会)
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- 馬鈴薯塊茎の呼吸系の変動と休眠との関連性について (第127回 講演会)
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- 21 バレイショの抑制物質
- 馬鈴薯塊茎の休眠機構について
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- 3. 馬鈴薯塊茎の休眠 (植物の休眠)
- 水稲の塩害に関する生理学的研究 : 塩素の吸収機構について (第133回 講演会)
- 馬鈴薯の生理, 形態学的研究 : 第21報 馬鈴薯塊茎に含まれる萠芽抑制物質について
- 乾・湿両条件下にかける馬鈴薯塊莖内生長抑制物質の消長(談話会年次講演会講演要旨,昭和38年年次及月例講演会要旨集)
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- 馬鈴薯の生理形態学的研究 : 第12報 生育期間中に於ける葉部のアスコルビン酸含量の消長と塊莖の形成に就いて
- 馬鈴薯の生理, 形態学的研究 : 第10報 馬鈴薯塊莖形成時に於けるアスコルビン酸の生理作用に就いて(抄報)