- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to find out the essential causes of shrinking and failing in ripening of rape plants, the authors carried out experiments during 1951 to 1953 on the fields where such injuries prevailed. The results were as follows : 1. Some differences in resistance to the injury were found among the varieties tested. 2. It might be presumed that the nursery conditions had a great influence upon the out-break of the injury ; those factors causing the acceleration of seedling growth, the decrease in the percentage of dry weight of plant body and the rise in the top-root ratio, might have been liable to promote the injury. 3. No relation has been noticed between aphis and the injury, and the occurence of injury might be influenced rather by the seedling chracters and by the field conditions. 4. Generally, such injuries were controlled by early sowing and transplanting, while in late culture the injury was increased. But the time of transplanting had larger influences on the injury than the sowing time. 5. It might be presumed, that nitrogen, potash and phosphorus promoted the injuries, especially the failure in ripening in the respective order according to the grade of acceleration of plant growth. 6. The application of compost and wood ash was very effective to keep out the plants from the injury, especially the application of wood ash in the fields being most effective, and also the application of ash in the nursery bed being beneficial to some extent. 7. Application of boron added in the basic fertilizer, or as top-dressing or by spraying on the plant was very much effective to control the injury. 8. It may be concluded from the results above mentioned, that a greater part of the cause of the injury should be the boron-deficiency in the plant, the latter being directly or indirectly affected by growth conditions. The beneficial effects of compost and wood ash might be ascribed to the presence of boron in those fertilizers.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1955-10-20
- 108 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第7報 穂肥・実肥の施用が乾物生産および諸形質に及ぼす影響
- 107 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第6報 早播で施肥条件を異にした場合の生態反応と乾物生産について
- 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第 5 報マルチが畑作水稲の初期生育に及ぼす影響
- 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第 4 報苗播時の土壌水分条件が活着・生育に及ぼす影響
- 5 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第3報.施肥条件を異にした場合の生態反応と乾物生産について
- 72 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究(第2報) : 栽培方法を異にした場合の生態反応と乾物生産について
- 2, 3 作物の土壌水分吸収特性と蒸発散量生育との関係 (第146回講演会)
- 畑地における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第1報 畑作水稲の生態について-湛水栽培と畑栽培との比較 (第146回講演会)
- 2,3 作物の土壌水分吸水特性と蒸発散量・生育との関係
- 畑作における水稲のかんがい栽培技術向上に関する研究 : 第 1 報 畑作水稲の生態について : 湛水栽培と畑栽培との比較
- 〔93〕菜種のγ線照射とその後代について : 日本育種学会第21回講演会講演要旨 : 一般講演
- 〔19〕菜種の正逆交雑における形質発現の差異について : 日本育種学会第21回講演会講演要旨 : 一般講演
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- [25]菜種の正逆交雑における形質発現の差異について(第III報) : 日本育種学会第14回講演会講演要旨
- [45]菜種の正逆交雑における形質発現の差異について(第II報) : 日本育種学会第13回講演会講演要旨 : 一般講演要旨
- 菜種の硼素欠乏に関する研究 : II. 硼素欠乏に於ける菜種体内成分の消長 (第109回講演会)
- 水稲の畑地灌漑栽培における水分不足と出穂遅延との関係 (第137回 講演会)
- 菜種の硼素欠乏に関する研究 : (III) 硼素が菜種の収量, 油分含量並びに湯質に及ぼす影響について (第115回 講演会)
- 菜種の萎縮及び不稔性障害に関する研究
- 菜種の硼素欠乏に関する研究 : I. 硼素欠乏と菜種の生育相 (第109回講演会)