水稻晩植による減収機構の解析 (要旨) : (第1報) 薄播苗・厚播苗の生産力
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In the previous experiment, it was shown that the late transplanting resulted in the remarkable decrease of yields.. with the aim to analyze the reduction of yield caused by the late transplanting, we have compared the growth and yield of rice crop under two different treatment; one sown densely (18 × 18cm) and other sown sparsely (24.2 × 24.2cm) on the seed bed, both transplanted later than usual. The seedlings in sparsely sown plot produced their tillers regularly; they have more than thirty tillers already at the time of transplanting, and howed high yield. But in the other plot the tillering is inhibited; no one tiller at the time of transplanting, and showed low yield, about half of that in the usual cultme. After the seedling were transplanted, the tillering has continued to some extent in former plot, but the many new tillers appeared at the higher nodes of the stem in letter plot. The high yield obtained in the sparsely sown plot may be explained by the following five reasons: (1) Seedlings were grown for longer time under favourable condition because the seed bed was more fertile than the paddy field and also it was rsurrounded by shelter-hedge. (2) As rice plants had good enough space to grow until the time of transplanting (5thof July) they could produce many healthy tillers from the lower nodes of their stem; 30 or more tillers were growing at the time of transplanting. (3) consequently the larger number of tillers and ears were produced. (4) As tillers from the lower part of the stem appeared early, the date of heading was also early, resulting heavy grain weight. (5) As far as the result of this experiment was concerned, the rice crop sown sparsely seemed to be able to produce higher yield, even when it transplanted later than usual culture method. But this trend might not be always observed because the different result would be obtained under different weather. The low yield of densely sown plot may be explained by the following fact; (1) tillering was inhibited seriously because of the narrow space given, and after they were transplanted. Appeared the tillers from the upper part of the stem as well as the tillers of higher order. (2) The number of tillers and stems were fewer than those of other plots.(3) As the tillering was delayed, date of heading was also delayed, and the light grains were produced.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1952-12-20
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