小麦の品質に関する研究 : 第2報 登熟期間中における小麦穀粒内の炭水化物および窒素化合物の変化
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This experiment was carried out to investigate the changes of carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds in kernel after flowering and the relation between the changes of these compounds and baking quality was discussed. Varieties used were soft wheat (Shinchunaga) and hard wheat (Norin No. 75). Dry weight of 100 kernels was maximum on the 33rd day after flowering and then decreased. Moisture percentage of kernel decreased with kernel development. But the moisture percentage of kernel of hard wheat (Norin No. 75) was almost always lower than that of soft wheat (Shin-chunaga). Carbohydrates were accumulated rapidly in kernel as a form of non-reducing sugar during the first 9 days after flowering. But, the content of sugars decreased rapidly after the 9th day when rapid increase of starch began. And the content of sugars increased for a short time since the 24th day after flowering. The content of insoluble protein-N in kernel increased rapidly until the 30th day after flowering. Then it remained nearly constant. The content of soluble protein-N and residual-N (probably polypeptides) increased rapidly after the 30th day after flowering. The rate of accumulation of insoluble protein-N in kernel of hard wheat (Norin No. 75) was faster than that of soft wheat (Shinchunaga), and the increase of content of the soluble protein-N in hard wheat (Norin No. 75) began from earlier stage than soft wheat (Shinchunaga). Considered from the results of dry weight of 100 kernels, the content of carbohydrates and of nitrogenous compounds, it may be concluded that the optimum time of harvest to obtain higher yield and better quality is about the 30th to 33rd day after flowering, or about the 37th to 40th day after heading.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1965-03-15
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