出穂期における水稲止葉の化学成分と收量との関係について 第 2 報
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In this report, in the first place, a part of the results of my previous report is corrected as follows. The regression coefficients of the straw weights per unit area (tan), the ratios of grain weight/straw weight and P content in boot leaves on latitude are significant, if they are tested on basis of V_b (variance of regression coefficient); but if they are tested on basis of residual variance, are nonsignificant. This fact reveals that this regression line has no fitness. In the second place, the sampled varieties are separated into three groups as early, late maturing varieties and their intermediate or ear number, ear weight type and their intermediate. For each group found in the districts, straw and grain weights per unit area (tan) are measured and the ratios of the latter to the former are determined. Then N, P and K contents in boot leaves are also surveyed on the basis of dry weights and their interrelations to yields are determined. In each districts located at higher latitude than Gihu prefecture, the N and P % becomes generally smaller in order of early > intermediate > late maturing varieties. Almost throughout the country, generally speaking, the straw weights per unit area (tan) are ranged with order of late, intermediate and early maturing varieties among which the late varieties have the highest values. The grain weights per unit area (tan) of the late varieties have higher values than those of the early varieties and the ratios of the grain weight to the straw weight of the early varieties are larger than those of the late varieties, but the intermediate varieties have not always their intermediate values. The same relationships found among ear number, ear weight type and their intermediate, however, do not go hand in hand with those categories as above mentioned. Considering the correlations between the yields and either the percentages of three nutrient elements or the ratios of these elements, in some cases, the kinds of the nutrient elements or their ratios which have significant correlations to yields are different in comparison with early, late maturing varieties and their intermediate or ear number, ear weight type and their intermediate. Furthermore, in some cases, the correlations between percentages of three nutrient elements and either straw or grain weights per unit area (tan) are nonsignificant, but between ratios of these elements and either straw or grain weights per unit area (tan) are significant. Consequently, it may be thought that early, late maturing varieties and their intermediate or ear number, ear weight type and their intermediate have different nutritional physiological characteristics, respectively, and that not only the content of each nutrient element, but also their ratios are important for determining the yields of rice.
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