畦畔大豆に関する研究 : 第1報 畑と畦畔における微細気象と大豆生育相の違い並びに畦畔高と生育収量との関係
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1. Mean air temperature in levee of paddy field growing soybean was lower than in upland, while mean soil temperature was higher slightly and relative humidity was higher fairly. And the diurnal ranges of air temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity in the levee were all smaller than in upland. (Fig. 2) 2. It was found the growth of soybean cultured in levee was smaller but stronger, and the yield was more stable, as compated with that in upland. This stability of yield of soybean cultured in levee was due to the higher percentage of fertile flowers and the less degree of sterility or abortive grains by injurious insects than these of upland soybean. 3. Both the growth and yield of soybean cultured in low levee (about 5 inches) were inferior to that of higher levee (about 8 or 11 inches). The fact is likely caused by the excessive soil moisture, the limitation in root development (Fig. 3) and the increase of shade by the rice plant growth.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-01-01
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