小豆の生殖生理に関する研究 : I. 花芽分化並びにその発育
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This study was undertaken to determine the normal course from the differentiation of flower buds to their flowering in Azuki-beans. External and microscopical observations were made with their development. 10 distinguished stages are given as follows : 1) Formation of a plateau in the apical cells. 28 days before flowcring. Fig. 1, photo. 1. 2) Inflorescence primordial differentiation. 23 days before. 3) Single flower bud differentiation. 21 days before, Photo. 2. 4) Sepal and petal differentiation, 18 days before. Photo. 3. 5) Flower parts formation. 15 days before. Photo. 4, 5, 6 6) P. M. C. and embryosac mother cell formation. 11 bays before. Photo. 7. 7) Reproductive division in P. M. C. and E. S. M. C., 9 days before. Photo. 8, 9. 8) Rapid development of flower parts. 6 days before. 9) Completion of all flower parts. 2 days before. Photo. 10 10) Flowering.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1957-04-01
- 56 小豆の光周性に関する研究 : I. 小豆光周性の概観と低温感光性生態型
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