作物の水分経済に関する研究 : (第1報) 燕麦及び陸稻の水分経済と温度との関係
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The influences of night temperature on the water economy of oats adapted to a cool climate and upland rice adapted to a hot climate were observed. The results of the experiment were as follows:_ (1) Cool night temperature of air was favorable to the growth and yield of oats, but the plant delayed in heading to some extent. On the other hand, it was unfavorable for the growth and favorable for the ripening of upland rice. As the reason of this fact it might be concluded that the large diurnal ranges of air temperature promoted the ripening of crops. (2) The amount of water transpired through oat plant per day was largest from the beginning of heading to the earlier stage of maturity, and that in upland rice plant was largest at the heading stage. (3) The water requirement of oats on cool night was less than that on warm night through almost every stage of growth, while that of upland rice was higher on cool night during vegetative growth periods and lower after heading. In other words, water economies during these stages were to be carried out efficiently on cooler nights. These results concerning upland rice seemed not ot agree with those obtained by BRIGGS
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1955-07-20
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