- 論文の詳細を見る
The date of sprouting, the number and length of sprouts at the 45th day after bedding, and the number of cutting shoots produced for 35 days from may 26 to June 30, were investigated with 32, varieties of sweet potato. The observations were arranged by means of the correlation calculation. There is a significant correlation between the length of sprouts and the date of sprouting but none among the number of sprouts and the date of sprouting or the length of sprouts. There is a very strong positive correlation between the number of cuttings and the length of sprouts as well as the internodal length of them. The number of cuttings and the number of sprouts show fairly significant correlation, but there is no marked correlation between the former and the date of sprouting. The results indicate that the number of cuttings correlate more highly with the length or internodal length of the sprouts than the number of them or the date of sproutings.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1953-06-30
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