我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に関する研究 : 續 : 稈長に就て
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. As one of the series of the writer's reports concerning the yielding efficiency of Japanese rice varieties, the data on the length of stem of paddy rice plants in Japan are reported. 2. In all the agronomic varieties of the paddy rice of Japan studied, the minimum of stem length is 44 cm, and thg maximum 140 cm, the mode being 92 cm, the mean 91.21 cm, and the σ 10.49 cm. The distribution is a very typical monomodal symmetric curve. 3. The distribution curve of the stem length of rice varieties in each prefecture presents a typical monomodal symmetric one. The minimum of the mean is 80 cm in Akita, 81 cm in Aomori, 82 cm in Fukusima, etc. The maximum is 100 cm in Gumma, 98 om in Nara, 96 cm in Yamagata, etc. 4. A close negative correlations were found between the stem length and number of stems per tubo, the days from seeding to heading, and the latitude coefficient etc., while a close positive correlations were made clear betwen the stem length and the yield per tan, prefectural average yield per tan, and the mean temperature, etc. 5. From 1931 to 1940, a diminution of the stem length occurred according to the straightline drawn by means of R=-0.6114y+97.49 cm. 6. The positive yearly correlations were found in each prefectures between the stem length and yield per tan, - the mean temperature from April to November, - the mean temperature of July. Negative correlation were made clear betwen the stem length and the heading date, the number of stems, the amount of rain fall from April to November, and the sun shine from April to November. 7. The number of stems shows a closer correlation with the yield, than that between the length of stems with the same, if considered by the usual correlation coefficient. But the stem length shows a closer correlation with the yield, when considered from the least square equation of the yearly tendency. 8. Sembon-asahi and Norin no.1, showing the mean stem lengths 73 cm and 79 cm respectively, are the representative short stem varieties, while Watarifune and Kokuryomiyako, the mean stem length of which are 102 cm and 104 cm respectively, are the standard long stem varieties. 9. By the "deviation from the mean method" which I proposed in order to present the relative value of a given variety compared to the mean value of the population of the varieties concerned, the "deviation from the mean value" of each variety is calculated. The values are as follows. Sembon-asahi - 17.0 cm, Norin no.1 -13.3 cm etc. (shorter varieties) Watarifune +7.0 cm, Kokuryomiyako +12.3 cm etc. (longer varieties). The tendency "deviation from the mean method" coincide with the tendency of absolute numbers. 10. We can calculate the theoretical length of the stem of any variety at any locality by adding or substituting the "deviation from the mean value" from the local stem length. 11. Among the varieties of rice plants, the correlations betwen the stem length and the yield per tan, the number of head per plant, and the number of head per tubo are negative and significant, while the correlation between the absolute stem length and the "deviation from the mean value" of the stem length is positive and distinct.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1951-12-30
- 我国に於ける各種作物の生産力に就て
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- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に関する研究 : 続 : 1坪穂数に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に関する研究 : 続 : 1株穂数に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に就て : (續) 反当収量及府県統計反当收量に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に関する研究 : 續 : 稈長に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に關する研究 (続) : 再び基準偏差法に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に關する研究 : 續 : 出穗期に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に關する研究 : (續) 地方別相關係數に就て
- 收量分析に依る品種比較の一例
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- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に關する研究 (續)
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- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に關する研究(本報2) : 農林四號, 千本旭, の主要生産力形質に就て
- 我邦に於ける水稻品種の生産力に關する研究 (豫報) : 品種比較試驗に於ける收量表示の一新法 (年基準量よりの收量偏差法、及その適用)
- 陸稻の根に就いて
- 適否試驗の結果より見たる水稻(粳)品種の地域的適否に就て : 昭和十四年十一月四日受理
- 一八 クロレラ(單細胞淡水産緑色藻類)の光同化作用に對する水素イオン濃度の影響((B)作物一般に關するもの)
- 一七 べにばないんげんに於ける芽の再生と電氣的極性との關係((B)作物一般に關するもの)
- 二 大麥穗の發育に就て ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
- 五一 エッヂコム著-赤銹病に對して抵抗性又は感受性を有する各種小麥の免疫學的相互關係に就て
- 二一 ボンネツト及びウツドウオス共著-大麥の三品種に於ける收量の分解研究
- 八 ウイラマン及びチヤイルド共著 : 馬鈴薯の塊莖の形状と其の化學成分との關係
- 四 ヒース著 : 砂耕法に於ける水分調節法
- 二 覆蓋としての紙の利用