- 論文の詳細を見る
Red clover (Trifolium pratens L.) is recognized as the most suitable plant for improving herbage on the grass land, and as a rotation crop on the field, from such the ecological features as the resistibility against snow damage and as the vigorous growth in early spring in the snowy Hokuriku district. Hence, the relation between the fertilization and the bees was investigated, as a fundamental datum in red clover production, at the Takada Farm of Hokuriku Branch of Agricultural Experiment Station in Japan. The results of this investigation were summarized as follows : (1) The relation between the percentage of the fertilization and the flowering period; the percentage of the fertilization is high in the first flowering time, and low in the second in generally. It shows an inverse relation against in Hokkaido, the reason, however, may be due to the differences of the bees visitation--mainly their sorts and visiting time. (2) From observations and investigations, it has been found that the pollination of red clover is effected by seven species of the bees--Bombus diversus S., Bombus igunitus S., Eucera difficilis P., Eucera sp?, Apis mellifica L., Andrena consimilis A., Megachila sasakiella C., (3) The relation between the fertilization of red clover and the flying-numbers of bees were as follows : i. Bombus genus most renders for services to the fertilization considering their flying numbers on the head flowers ; ii. Apis m. is not so effective in spite of the flying number being the most numerous ; iii. Eucera genus was recognized as considerable numbers on the flower head, and also has fairly connection for the fertilization. (4) It is an established fact that the Apis m. serves a little for the fertilization of the red clover, but not so easy finding that whether she can sips or not the flower honey.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1950-08-30
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- 三 大麥生育の各時期に於ける莖, 葉の組成, 特に木質素の生成に就て ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
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- 二一 種子に硬 X 光線を作用せしめたる場合植物體に起る生理的變異 ((A) 作物一般に關するもの)
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