小麥育成試驗上莖數による苗床選抜の意義に就て : [II] 育成系統に於ける調査成績
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The strains used in this study are of two types (=combinations), viz. the one type has many tillering habit and the other few. All of the strains are tested of F_3 plants of these two combinations. The relations between the variances of the number of tillers and ears and the hereditary variance on these materials have been studied. The hereditary variance are more extensive in the many tillering strains than in the few ones, but on either strain the relations between the number of tillers at the transplanting time and the number of heads at the maturity are almost same as on the fixed variety, viz. the said relations have hightly or slightly significant on one stem plot or two stems plot compared with over three stems ones, but not amongst over three stems plots respectively. In the case of the strains obtained by the combination of the few tillering habit varieties, the difference of the number of heads is significant between on stem plot and two stems one on the nursery bed. In short, it has been ascertained that the nursery selection by means of the number of tillers may be performs within the limit of over three stems being tillered provided that the maximum of tiller's number are five or six stems having appeared.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1951-03-30
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- 一二 首蓿屬に於ける大胞子の發生とその發生學 ((B) 牧草・雜草に關するもの)
- 三 大麥生育の各時期に於ける莖, 葉の組成, 特に木質素の生成に就て ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
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- 五二 胡麻葉枯病に罹れる稻の葉の組織學的研究 ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
- 二一 種子に硬 X 光線を作用せしめたる場合植物體に起る生理的變異 ((A) 作物一般に關するもの)