水稻"秋落"除去の實驗的研究 : (その一) 客土の効果について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In the paddy ficld of sandy soil, where "Akiochi" is inevitable, but only the equipment of drainage is vely good, was made the experimental research on the effect of "Kyakudo" 2. The soil used for "Kyakudo" was clay loamy soil, and the valume applied was 33,750 kg. (9,OOO "Kan") per 990m^2 (1 Tan") the grade increasing 1.5〜1.8cm (5-6 "Bu") on the height of the surface of mould. 3. The varieties of rice used were "Norin No.8" (the type of heavy ear) and "Senbon Asahi" (the type of numerous ear), and observing, the growth condisions and harvest, as popularly recognized, it was recognized that the former was more fitted than the latter in the "Akioci" region, and also about the effect of "Kyakudo" the former was more remarkable than the latter. 4. By "Kyakudo" of clay loamy soil to the sandy soil, the growth conditions of paddy rice, in the growth of length and increase of tillers, was very good, and incseased percentage of available tillers and hulling, finally increased the production power of paddy rice, given the effect of markedincrease of harvest.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1949-10-30
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- 水稻"秋落"除去の實驗的研究 : (その二) 生長促進物質處理の効果について