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The present paper deals with two rare species, Ptychognathus altimanus (Rathbun) and Utica gracilipes White from the Ishigaki-jima, Ryukyu Islands. Specimens of the two species are preserved in the Zoological Laboratory, Kyushu University. Genus Ptychognathus Stimpson, 1858. Ptychognathus Stimpson 1858, p. 104; 1907, p. 129; Tesch 1918, p. 85. Gnathograpsus A. Milne Edwards 1868,p . 180. Ptychognathus altimanus (Rathbun, 1915). (Figs. 1,2 ) Varuna altimana Rathbun 1915,p. 70 ― Luzon(Type locality). Ptychognathus altimanus: Tesch 1918, p. 88, pl. 4, fig. 5 ― Nias I. Material examined: Nakasuji-gawa, Ishigaki-jima, 1♂, Feb. 12, 1968, Y. Nakasone leg. Measurement: Length of carapace 16.6 mm, Breadth of carapace 17.2 mm, Length of chela 12.3 mm. Remarks: This species is related to P. spinicarpus Ortmann, but distinguished from the latter by the different propotion of the ischiurn and the exopodite of the third maxilliped. Distribution: Nias I., Philippines, Ishigaki-jima (New locality). Ecological notes: Collected from the fresh-water region. Genus Utica White, 1847. Utica White 1847, p. 86; Adams & White 1850, p. 52; H. Milne Edwards 1853, p. 177; Kingsley 1880, p. 206; Haswell 1882, p. 101; Tesch 1918, p. 95. Utica gracilipes White, 1847. (Figs. 3,4 ,5 ; Table 1) Utica gracilipes White 1847, p. 86 ― Negros I. (Type locality); Adams & White 1850, p. 53, pl. 13, fig.6 ― Mindanao I.; H. Milne Edwards 1853, p. 177, pl. 7, fig. 4-4a ― Philippines; Kingsley 1880, p. 206; de Man 1892, p. 316 ― Flores I.; Ortmann 1893, p. 713 ― Fidji I.; Tesch 1918, p. 96; Balss 1934, p. 234, fig. 12 ― West Flores. Utica nausithoe de Man 1895, p. 113, fig. 24 ― Atjeh; Tesch 1918, p. 96 ― Talaut I. Material examined: Miyara-gawa, Ishigaki-jima, 7 ♂, 9 ovig.♀, 2♀, July 19, 1962, S. Miyake, T. A. Uchida & H. Minei leg. Measurement: See Table 1. Remarks: This species is related to U. barbimana A. Milne Edwards and U. bornensis de Man, but easily distinguished from the former by the absence of the epigastric crest and from the latter by the areolation of the carapace. U. nausithoe de Man is a synonyrn of U. gracilipes. Distribution: Atjeh I., Flores I., Fiji I., Talaut I., Philippines, Ishigaki-jima (New locality). Ecological notes: Collected under the stones of the brackishwater region. It is possible that two species have a similar life history as that of Eriocheir japonicus.ここに報告する2種はイワガニ科Grapsidae,イソガニ亜科Varuninaeに属し,淡水域, 汽水域で採集された珍稀種であり,これら2種に関する報告は少ない. 乙の2種はPhilippines以南の島々に分布しているが,今度,石垣島から採集されたので,分布の北限にもなり, モクズガニEriocheirjaponicus (de Haan)の生活史と似た所があるので報告する.
- 九州大学の論文
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