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The present investigation was carried out to find out the population and the species of yeasts developing in the putrefied marine algae which were gathered at beaches and were made to putrefy in flasks containing fresh sea water at 20℃. The tested marine algae were Chlorophyta (6 species), Phaeophyta (12 spp.) and Rhodophyta (6 spp.). The yeasts developed in following algae, Enteromorpha sp., Ulva pertusa, Codium fragile, Scytosiphon lomentaria, Sargassum hemiphyllum, S. thunbergii, Ishige okamurai, Hizikia fusiforme, Undaria pinnatifida. The yeasts developed in a definite season which varied with the species of algae. The largest number of the yeasts was about 160,000 per 1 g of wet algae. Six species of the yeasts were isolated. They were identified as Torulopsis famata, Candida parapsilosis var. intermedia, C. albicans, Trichosporon behrendii, T. infestans, T. cutaneum. Torulopsis famata and Trichosporon behrendii rapidly grew on wort agar containing 20% NaCl and the yeasts did not alter their salt tolerance after being cultured on wort agar without NaCl for 7 years.海水中にかなりの量,種類の酵母が存在することは以前から知られている.Waksmanは海洋中に見出される酵母はTorulaが多いがそれらの海洋中における役割は不明であると述べ,ZoBellは海洋中の酵母の数は陸地との距離に無関係で,陸地の影響のない大洋中では酵母の方が細菌よりも多い場合もあつたと述べている.Phaffらはメキシコ湾のエビからRhodotorula 11種,Trichosporon 9種,Torulopsis 3種,Pullularia 4種,Candida 6種,Hansenula 2種を分離した.Woodは魚,海泥,海水から27株の赤色酵母,3株の白色酵母,3株の黒色酵母を分離している.著者は海藻に付着している酵母の分離に従事中,海藻が腐敗すると酵母の数が激増することを知り,それらの酵母の増減の状態及び分離した酵母の性質を調べ若干の結果を得たので報告する.
- 九州大学の論文
九州大学 | 論文
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