- 論文の詳細を見る
In former times, the profits from cultivation of tobacco-plant maintained smaller peasant's economies in the habitat of tobacco leaf production. But since the diversion of the kind of planting tobacco?from former proper system to fire cured yellow bright and others?which is enforced according to the policy, of the Japanese Government Monopoly Bureau, the above-mentioned economic character of tobacco cultivation diminished, and a tendency , of decreasing the number of proper farmers and moreover all ones appeared gradually. After the end of the war Japanese smaller farmers enhance d their smallness of farm more and more, therefore the needs of them to intensive cultivations increased remarkably. At present, some theorists of the Monopoly Corporation emphasize the profitable nature of intensive tobacco cultivation as the smaller farmer's produces. But the above-mentioned character of the plant?after the diversion?continued till to-day,. therefore even in the habitat of it's production the cultivation of it cann't be adopted by the smaller farmers generally. At present it seems that they feel more interests to garden-productions than tobacco-planting.煙草專売公杜の本田栄一氏はその著「たばこと薪しい農村」で「限られた資源と領土との中に生き抜くためには, 当然集約性の発揮以外に手段方法はない筈である. 即ち農業中最も高い隼約性を有する煙草の耕作は, 茲に生きるべき道を融える」とされるが, 煙草原料の生産過剰延いてはその輸出の問題はしばらく伏せて, 本稿では戦後急激に増加した零細農業に対し煙草栽培は如何なる役割を果しつつあるかを, 一煙草産地の実情を通じて検討したい.
- 九州大学の論文
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