方形波電位パルス法による SUS304 ステンレス鋼の着色皮膜生成挙動(ステンレス鋼・チタン)(<特集>表面処理)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A thick film with interference color could be obtained on the surface of SUS304 stainless steel with the square wave potential pulse method in 5 kmol・m^<-3> H_2SO_4 solution of 323 K with no addition of chromium ions. The higher potential, E_H, and the lower potential, E_L, of the square wave potential pulse were controlled in the range between the active peak potential and the transpassive potential of chromium. A thick colored film was obtained at the condition that E_L is kept in the transient region from the active peak to the passive range of chromium and E_H in the passive range of iron and chromium. The deposited hydroxide film including Fe^<2+> and Cr^<3+> formed at E_L losses protons and grows under the high field provided by E_H. The colored film thus formed has many diffusion paths, which permit the further growth of the film without any decrease in the growth rate. Therefore, the thickness of the film, i.e. the color, could be easily controlled by the polarization time and / or potential.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1991-07-01
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- 方形波電位パルス法による SUS304 ステンレス鋼の着色皮膜生成挙動(ステンレス鋼・チタン)(表面処理)
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- 方形波電位パルス法によるステンレス鋼の着色
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