- 論文の詳細を見る
A new sampling method has been developed for the determination of hydrogen in liquid steel. The sampler employed is a newly designed evacuated one which consists of an outer quartz tube and a well fitted inner tube of degassed austenitic stainless steel. In the new procedure developed, liquid steel is aspirated directly from the steel bath in industrial operation into the inner stainless steel tube, quenched in water, and treated in the same way as in the conventional rapid-quench methods. The sample as kept in the stainless steel tube is analyzed for hydrogen by the vacuum hot-extraction method. Comparative investigations of the newly developed sampler with the conventional evacuated quartz tube sampler have revealed that the former gives increasingly higher analytical results than the latter does as the hydrogen content in liquid steel increases. It has been confirmed that the stainless steel tube in the new sampler prevents loss of hydrogen from the aspirated sample, and accordingly more accurate results are obtained. Furthermore, some problems of sample preparation and blank determination which occurred in the analytical procedure of the new method have been investigated and a satisfactory procedure has been established.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1979-09-01
成田 貴一
富永 和也
成田 貴一
谷口 政行
松本 巌
谷口 政行
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