高 Cr フェライト鋼の高温変形能
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The hot-twist ductility of AISI Type 446 and some other high-Cr ferritic steels, especially effects of metallurgical factors such as alloying elements, microstructure and grain size were investigated by hot-twist test rotated at 200 r.p.m at a temperature ranging from 800 to 1250℃. The hot-twist ductility of high-Cr steels was much influenced by its microstructure. Some steels which had a single ferritic structure at these testing temperatures showed higher twist value and a convex type twist curve against the testing temperatures, while other steels which transformed at a testing temperature showed a lower twist value and had a concave-type twist curve. The temperature at which the specimen showed the minimum twist value nearly corrresponded to the transformation temperature. As to the influence of the alloying elements in 25% Cr steels, C and N were the most detrimental ones which lowered these twist values. Addition of C+N up to about 0.2% greatly reduced a hot-twist ductility and about 0.2% of C+N was the inflection point of curve figure. Addition of Si, Ni, and Cr reduced a hot-twist value although Ni improved hot-twist value above 1200℃. The difference of hot-twist value could not be recognized between air- and vacuum-melted specimens which had similar chemical compositions. Grain-coarsening owing to the elevation of annealing temperature lowered hot-twist ductility, especially when single-phase specimens were annealed at a temperature higher than the temperature of maximum ductility. In the latter case intercrystalline fracture occurred at every test temperature and consequently twist values were much reduced.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1961-10-01
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- 205 高純度 18Cr 系ステンレス鋼の性質におよぼす成分元素の影響(ステンレス鋼, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 89 回(春季)講演大会)
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