薄い鋳片からの方向性珪素鋼板の製造工程における MnS と AlN の状態の制御
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The solubility product of AlN in austenite is several times as large as that in ferrite. It is, therefore, necessary to make uniform distribution of austenite phase in a steel to secure uniform distribution of precipitated AlN in the ferrite matrix. The microstructure of a thin plate casting of 3% silicon steel is very fine and the distribution of austenite phase is rather uniform compared with the hot rolled plate of the same steel. On the basis of the above findings, an unique manufacturing process of grain oriented silicon steel is proposed, which makes it possible to eliminate conventional high-temperature slab reheating. By direct casting of thin plate, the uniform distribution of AlN precipitates can be secured. 2) The precipitation of MnS below the Curie temperature is observed to be smaller in quantity than that expected from an extrapolation of the precipitation in the higher temperature range. 3) The unique manufacturing process proposed here can greatly save energy consumption comparing with the conventional process.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1980-08-01
菊池 勁
板東 誠志郎
板東 誠志郎
小泉 真人
菊池 勁
板東 誠志郎
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