日本産Rhus属樹種の乳液の毒性 : ハゼノキ乳液の解毒剤として「ベルッ水」使用の効果について(第1報)
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"Berutsusui" is the name given to the mixture of 30cc of alcohol, 1g of caustic potash, 10cc of glycerine, 60cc of water, and it is ordinarily for toilet use. If "Berutsusui" is applied to the latex which oozes from the section of petiole, alcohol dissolves the urusiol-like substance in latex, caustic potash neutralizes acidity of the urusiol-like substance, and glycerine hastens the drying of the latex. For these reasons, "Berutsusui" is effectual as an antidote against the poison of the urusiol-like substance. The urusiol-like substance in the latex which oozes from the section of petiole around the middle of October turns out blue-green by the addition of 30 % caustic potash solution, but, if we treat the latex with "Berutsusui", the reaction colour differs in some degree, and the amount of the colour produced is smaller, (decreases). For this reason, a skin-eruption becomes lighter than in the non-treated case, but the poisoning by the latex cannot be completely prevented by the abovementioned method. However, double application of "Berutsusui", namely the application of "Berutsusui"to the skin before and after the contact with the latex, on it, again use "Berutsusui" at that part, the latex changes into blackcolour. The skin-eruption to be caused by the latex of Rhus succedanea will be prevented, if the black part is washed-off with water immediately, or within 1-5 hours at the latest. The skin-eruption by latex is caused by the small proportion of urusiol-like substance which indicates colour reaction by caustic potash solution, in the black coloured mass of the latex, unless this black-part is washed off in 24 hours. It is important, therefore, that the black part be washed off as quickly as possible.
- 九州大学の論文
九州大学 | 論文
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