- 論文の詳細を見る
Burr formation in milling is a three dimensional deformation. Burr formation is different from deformation in continuous cutting. In burr formation on exit surfaces of workpieces, the continuous cutting before burr formation is considered to be an initial condition of bur formation and plastic deformation of workpiece edge formed by the tool exit is burr. Therefore, the continuous cutting and deformation by tool exit have effect on burr formation. To clarify the effect of these factors on burr formation burrs created with various axial rake angle of the tools and cutting conditions were observed. To represent the state of the continuous cutting, the chip flow angle calculated with cutting conditions was used. To represent the deformation type at the workpiece edge, exit order of cutting edges calculated with the geometry of the tool and workpiece edges was proposed. These chip flow angle and exit order are used for understanding the burr formation in milling. To vary the chip flow angle and exit order, depth of cut, feed and axial rake angle of tools were varied. As the results, it was verified that deformation formed in continuous cutting and tool exit has effect on burr size in face milling. As the chip flow angle increased, the exit burr thickness decreased and side burr thickness increased. As the axial rake angle decreased, the exit burr thickness increased with effect of the exit order. These chip flow angle and exit order are considered to be important factors on burr formation in milling.
- 1998-11-05
橋村 雅之
新日本製鐵(株) 室蘭技術研究部
橋村 雅之
Univ. of California. Dept. of Mech.
Dornfeld David
Univ. California. Dept. Mech.
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