ドイツの学校経営への組織開発導入の意義 : 学校経営における組織変革能力の向上
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to clarify the significance of introducing the organization development for school administration in case of Germany and to consider the significance of organization development. In Germany, there is the council system in each school. And a significant commitee is the school conference (Schulkonferenz). The conference consists of teachers, students and parents as the representatives. Practically there are some problems in that cooperation. And it needs to adopt the organization development (OD) for school administration, since the organization development is one of the appropriate organization change methods which emphasizes on the members' behavior. I notice that the organization development of schools in Germany contributes the important activities to the school council. And these can improve the capability for the organization change. The contents of this study are as follows: 1. Purposes and tasks of this study 2. Background of introducing the organization development for school administration (1)Problems of shool administration (2)Administrative actibities of the council system-necessary capabilities for organization development 3. Concepts, principles and the significance of introducing the organization development for school administration (1) Concepts and principles of organization development (2) Activities of the council system as introducing the organization development 4. Improvement of capability for the organization change
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 1992-06-01
- 学びの空間としての学校の再生 : 近・未来の学校像をさぐる
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- ドイツにおける教育経営研究の動向と「よい学校」に関する文献
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- ドイツの学校経営への組織開発導入の意義 : 学校経営における組織変革能力の向上
- ドイツの合議制学校経営における校長の位置と役割
- ドイツにおける校長研修の構造と特質 : ヘッセン州を事例として(IV 研究報告)