戦後期学校評価構想における文部省試案の位置 : 文部省試案作成に到る文献史的考察
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This thesis is a part of series of my study on the historical change of school evalution movement in Japan. The objective of this paper is to clarify the process of the development in the idea of school evaluation in the postwar period (especially from 1945 to 1951), by focusing on the experimental project of the Education Ministry (1951). In this paper, paticular attention were paid to the difference of this experimental project from the other ones before it, and the reflection of those ones to it, not simply because the former studies on this period had not refered to those points, but also because the experimental project of the Education Ministry as one of integrating those projects had given direction to the development of this idea from then on. The contents are as follows; I The purposes of this study. II The constructive process of the school evalution projects in the postwar period (before the project of the Education Mistry). 1. Initial situation of arguments on the school evalution. 2. To the stage of arguing on the criteria. 3. To the stage of arguing on the methods. 4. To the stage of arguing on the specification of items. III The construction of the experimental project made by the Education Ministry. IV The view-points for the analysis of the school evaluation projects in the postwar period. -conclusion- It is clear that the evaluative criteria had been instituted as the abstract and absolute norms, almost similar to the law of the land, to be obeyed probably for the educational centralization. To make it more clear, School evaluation projects in the postwar period should be analyzed from the institutional and normative points of education and educational administration.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 戦後期学校評価構想における文部省試案の位置 : 文部省試案作成に到る文献史的考察
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