- 論文の詳細を見る
At present, the system of educational administration and school administration is being reformed. The aim of the reform is to increase the autonomy of school. The purpose of this paper is to examine financial condition for increasing the autonomy of school. The financial system is reformed toward decentralization by "The Reform of the Three Major Policies (for the allocation of financial resources, including state subsidies, local allocation taxes, and the transfer of tax sources to local govemment). As for educational finance, National Treasury's share for compulsory school expenditures is deregulated. It is necessary to decentralize the financial system. Based on the survey to city's board of education about school finance affairs system which was conducted in February 2003, school finance affairs systems of many citiesaren't still made completely. In order to increase the autonomy of school, it is necessary to make the finance system for school. We confront problems as follows; 1. Clarifing the authority of the board of education about the school budget and school finance affairs. 2. Expanding the discretion of school about a budget and finance affairs. 3. Making the organization of school affairs to take responsibility for a budget and finance affairs. 4. Developing the method of compiling the school budget and the evaluation of it.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2004-05-30
- 教員の研修ニーズと大学の役割
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- 湯田拓史著『都市の学校設置過程の研究 : 阪神間文教地区の成立』
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- 書評 入江彰著『教員の処分と手続制度--アメリカ合衆国の教員解雇における手続保障の法制度に関する研究』(多賀出版、2005年)
- Reform of Higher Education Finance in Japan (第8回 日タイ教育行政学共同セミナー報告)
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- 教員研修の財政的課題(発表1,地方分権時代における教員研修の課題,IV 課題研究)
- アメリカ合衆国州学校財政制度における財政コントロール(II 研究報告)