- 論文の詳細を見る
Drug information is essential for the proper use of pharmaceuticals. However, drug information could be even more effective and safety further enhanced if it could be more tailored to the individual patient. We therefore conducted a survey on the utilization of patient information by pharmacies with the idea of using the results to make drug information more useful. The survey was sent by fax to Chiba Pharmaceutical Association pharmacies and was returned by fax when completed. The survey focused on the status of patient information in pharmacies. The results were presented as percentages of pharmacies responding in the affirmative to individual survey items, and significance was evaluated by McNemar's test. Patient information was obtained directly from patients by 94.0% of pharmacies, through patient medication journals by 75.6% of pharmacies, and from drug histories by 73.3% of pharmacies. Patient information considered useful included concomitant medications, selected by 92.2% of respondents and allergy history, by 73.5%. Most pharmacies were found to be IT ready, with 92.8% equipped with a dispensing fee invoicing computer system. Other electronic methods of handling patient information were not widely used. Currently only a small percentage of pharmacies receive patient information from medical institutions. In order to remedy this situation, closer cooperation with medical institutions and widespread introduction of IT systems that facilitate the sharing of patient information are necessary. In addition, more detailed package inserts would be of great benefit to pharmacies aiming to provide drug information that includes patient-specific information.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 2005-03-10
飯嶋 久志
飯嶋 久志
石野 良和
石野 良和
安藤 秀人
茂木 博
安藤 秀人
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