末期患者などに対する基本治療 : 特に人為的な水分と栄養の補給について(第6回日本生命倫理学会年次大会分科会「医療・看護とバイオエシックス」発表 : 原著)
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Nursing care (eating, sleeping, excretion, cleanness, bathing, control of the environment and change of posture etc.) and palliative care (pain control, expectoration and elimination of anxiety or discomfort etc.), must be given to the patient, who can not do these activities in his daily life by himself, even if he is in a terminal stage. Therefore this care is necessary for his existence, during his whole life period, until the time of his death, to support his life (See. The penal code, Article 218,Clause 1). The same holds for the persistent vegetative patient, who needs protection for his existence. Accordingly we must take this nursing care and palliative care as basic therapy, for which all patients have the right to demand, even if the medical invasion for the cure is no longer appropriate for them. As a general rule, doctors, nurses and any other responsible protectors are under obligation to give this basic therapy to the patient. As far as it is appropriate to the patient's condition, feeding and hydration must not be withheld or withdrawn easily, even if there are documents of a living will and these have a character of medical invation. Such practices make it possible to avoid the danger of slipping on the slippery slope. When the patient is allowed to die because of a breach of this obligation of basic therapy, it may be the crime of murder, manslaughter, participation in suicide or aggravated abandonment by a responsible protector.
- 1995-04-30
- 末期患者などに対する基本治療 : 特に人為的な水分と栄養の補給について(第6回日本生命倫理学会年次大会分科会「医療・看護とバイオエシックス」発表 : 原著)
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- 医療における義務衝突と義務の優先順位(1. 医療資源の配分における公平と効率)
- QOLと末期患者に対する基本治療義務・基本看護義務