- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research was to consider the effective support from public health nurses in the view point of residents. The subjects of this survey were residents who had the continuous support from public health nurses in 2002, and who could reply to interview. The survey examined with semi-structured interview that focused on the relation with public health nurses at resident's home. The subjects of the analysis were 9 residents who agreed to tape-record the interview. The date were classified and named several times to definite the recognition of resident's about home visiting by public health nurses. The recognitions of residents about home visiting by public health nurses were extracted to 15 categories. These indicated the knowledge of care, skill, attitude, and visiting style. [Improvement of the home environment] [Information collection] [Coordination with organizations concerned] [Informational offer] [Intervention in a problem] and [Technical offer] showed knowledge and skills about care. [Existence of the public health nurse] [Confidential relation] [Attitude of public health nurse] [Sympathetic attitudes] showed attitudes. [Time of intervention] [Support period] [Visiting frequency] [Length of stay] [Continuation of support] showed the visiting styles. The attitudes were directly linked with trust of resident's for the public health nurse. The attitudes were based on the knowledge and skills about care and the visiting styles. The residents wanted public health nurse to have [Sympathetic attitudes] strongly, and thought [Informational offer] was not enough to understand. For the effective support by public health nurses, to make clear the standard of home visiting styles, and to improve the communication skills, especially to strengthen the attitudes are very important.
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