General Entrepreneur-William E.Dodgeの生涯
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The article examines the roll of an entrepreneur in the middle of Nineteenthcentury America through the life and works of William E. Dodge (1805-1883). Dodge was born into a middle-class family and brought up under the influence of Presbyterianism. In business and industry, he was active in such fields as Land-speculation, railroads, lumbering, metal industries, and metal and cotton trades. In government service, he greatly contributed to the development of the economy of the state of New York. A typical entrepreneur of the day, he assumed leadership in transforming the United States from a rural to an industrial society. Through his life, this article emphasizes an aspect of the economic development of New York City, as well as the roll of entrepreneurial aactivities in econnmic development in general.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1965-12-20
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- スチュアート・ウィームス・ブラッチー著, 「アメリカ経済成長の基礎」
- General Entrepreneur-William E.Dodgeの生涯
- New York港の君臨 : アメリカ流通経済史の一説
- 植民期アメリカ商業資本の一類型
- ヘンリー・シュリーブの舟運企業家活動
- ニューヨーク海運企業家 Charles Morgan
- ボルティモ-商品流通史論--1780年〜1787年を中心に
- カナダ経営史学の形成