都市における公的扶助と私的救済 : 明治前期の京都を中心に
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This paper examines public and private welfare assistance for the disabled in Kyoto from the 1870s through the 1890s. After the Meiji Restoration, Kyoto Prefecture established relief institutions in Kyoto City to help preserve public order, funding them by levying a tax on tea houses and entertainers. The Workhouse for the Poor (Kyumin Jusanjo), the most important institution, operated for twenty years. For the first few years it depended on the tax on entertainers and tea houses, but later was able to support itself by producing and selling handicrafts. It accommodated both the working poor and the disabled. The money generated by the Workhouse for the disabled may also have been transferred to Kyoto Prefecture to provide support for disabled people not resident in the workhouse, in accordance with prefectural relief regulations (Betto Jukyu Jorei). The resignation in 1881 of Governor Makimura, who had established several factories and a financial institution (kangyojo), was a turning point for the Work-house. His successor, Governor Kitagaki sold these, as the workhouse, to the private sector at a low price and used the funds for a canal project connecting the city tith Lake Biwa rather than on poor relief. Cooperation between private charities and Kamigyo and Shimogyo wards increased, partly offsetting the abolishment of prefectural relief. Immediately after the Meiji Restoration, Kyoto Prefecture established primary schools in each ward group (Cho-gumi). These schools performed various relief functions, including lending money, which were intended to prevent social disintegration. Although these activities had been abolished byt the 1870s, close integration of ward groups and within wards (Cho) persisted. One indication of this was the fact that wards, owing to their strong membership identity and exclusiveness, always gave foundlings discovered in them to other wards to be raised. Another indication was the difficulty that poor people outside Kyoto had in moving into the city. In conclusion. despite the abolition of prefectural relief, close integration within ward and the cooperation of private charities resulted in decreased dependence on national relief.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1995-11-25
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