本源的蓄積期における公的扶助と私的経済 : 岡山・山梨・秋田を中心に
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In this paper, I focus on public and private welfare assistance for the disabled during the 1880s, a period of primitive capital accumulation. Private relief was closely related to public assistance because of the restrictive nature of the Japanese social welfare system, which provided only minimal poor relief and this forced individuals to save on their own against disaster, I also explain the social and economic processes that brought the disabled to rely on national relief, the final level(?) of public support. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relation between national relief, local relief, and private relief in the 1880s. I first analyze rates of national relief for the disabled and orphans as a percentage of the population for each prefecture. I hyothesized that traditional forms of neighborhood mutual assistance had fallen into decay in those areas where economic development had taken place and in which many people received national relief. There are many prefectures over the national average in Western Japan, but in Central and Eastern Japan, which are mainly rice monoculture and sericulture areas, there are many prefectures that are below half the national average. I therefore examined Okayama as a case for Western Japan, Yamanashi as a sericulture case, and Akita as a rice monoculture case. In conclusion, one can characterize basic relief policy as limited for it encouraged mutual aid in the prefectures. National relief was predicted on local public and private relief, and did not displace them. Nevertheless, there was a disparity in national relief among prefectures because styles of private relief varied according to different social and economic conditions. This was the origin of the present-day Japanese social welfare system.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1994-09-25
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