技術知識を有する監督者層の形成と市場への適応化 : 日本製糸業において学校出教婦の果した役割
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This paper aims to clarify how and why the silk-reeling industry of Japan could very rabidly adapt to the changing export market conditions after World War I. As the result of the development of the rayon industry, particularly in the United Stated of America, the demand for low quality raw silk drastically decreased. As a result, the major demand shifted to raw silk for quality fabrics and stockings. One of the most important qualities of such higher grade raw silk was the property of "evenness." For Japanese adaptations to this new situation, we obtained the following conclusions: (1) The Japanese silk-reeling industry adapted swiftly to the new market conditions by introducing modern management into filatures to produce quality raw silk. An adoption of the seriplane test-machine, the development of a new reeling method, motion studies, quality control, etc. were examples. (2) This switch from labor-intensifying management to scientific management was mainly promoted by a newly educated female supervisor class, which replaced non-educated male supervisors in the filatures. Those female supervisorcum-middle management staff were usually armed with both scientific knowledge and silk-reeling experience. (3) Such supervisors were supplied by higher technical schools and the special training institutions attached to large silk-reeling companies. In particular, the graduates from the two-year course for women silk-reeling instructors at Tokyo Higher Sericulture School played a leading role. Individual records of the graduates and information obtained from our interviews with 22 graduates completely confirm the above three aspects. Thus technical education could be considered, in the case of the Japanese silk-reeling industry, the real fundamental factor explaining the rapid adaptation to market conditions realized in the 1920's. In addition, I have statistically demonstrated that the switching point is observable around 1924.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1988-09-25
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